BananaRaraama Smoothie

Hello all, so I'm not sure if I've mentioned it before on the blog but I am addicted to ice cream and therefore never have it on the blog or rarely in the house. The reason for this is firstly if it is in the house, it's only there for seconds and therefore I'm never quick enough to take any photos and blog about about it. A sad situation I know......

Anyway as I never loose the erge / need for ice cream I am over the moon to have found a replacement! It's even reasonably healthy too and you can have it any time of the day including for brekkie!!

Seriously it's ubber delicious and creamy, just hope I don't get addicted to these as well!??!

1/2 banana, sliced
6 oz skim milk
1 tsp vanilla extract
2 tbsp plain yogurt
1/3 cup ice, crushed

  1. Chop half a banana into slices, place in plastic baggy and freeze overnight. (Do the same with the other half and save for future shake. Trust me, there will be a future shake.)
  2. Gather ingredients.
  3. Place half banana (now chopped and frozen) into blender. Add 1/3 cup ice, 6 ounces of skimmed milk and 1 teaspoon of vanilla extract, plus the yogurt. Blend until smooth.
  4. (Optional: Add a bit of honey for extra sweetness)
  5. Pour mix into tall glass. (Optional: Sprinkle about 1 teaspoon of cocoa powder on shake.)
  6. Drink it. The world it good again! :D.

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