Helpful Links for Bread Making

I've had a request asking me where I found my Dough Scrapper from. It got me thinking that I should add more information about my last couple of 'posts'.

So I found both the Dough scrappers and fresh yeast on Ebay (crazy I know) so here are a couple of links to help:

Dough Scrapper:

Fresh Yeast:

All the bread recipe were from Richard Bertinet's 'Dough' Book. I also believe he does baking & cooking lessons at his school in Bath:

Ooo and I don't think I mentioned my amazing bargain!!?
A baking stone for the oven, usually around £30 for a specific granite stone. So I headed to Topps Tiles to see what I could find. When I arrived they informed my that the store was actually shutting down completely and had no stock :(

Ah ha!! Until one of the kind gents asked me a few more questions and disappeared. When he returned he was holding a pack of Granite stones. "Wow, that's perfect. How much?"
Chap: "They were just gonna go in the bin, so how about FREE?"
Such a bargain!! I ended up with 6 12"x12" stones. Just shows if you don't ask you don't get :O)

Oh to let you know, it does make a huge difference using a baking stone in the oven. Helps to get a really good crust. Just make sure it's red hot before you bake, I left it in the oven 30mins at 250 before baking.

You're also supposed to spray a mist of water in the oven, when you put the dough in. Just need to find myself a spray bottle now..

Hope that helps :D

Happy baking!

Loaf, Stick & Fougasse!

So on the weekend I had a go at baking some bread with that yeast - have a look at the results below.

I made two wholemeal loaves, 3 bagettes and one fougasse, which was so tasty, Pete and I ate it as soon it came out of the oven! :D (so no photo sorry)
I followed the Richard Bertinet "Dough" book - really good. I saw him live a couple of weeks ago at Abergavenny food festival.

My arms ached like mad after working all that dough!

Scrapper & Yeast!

My first posting! It's a bit daunting but all same quite exciting. So I've set up this blog after being badgered by few people to set it up. I think the reason is because I get so excited & enthusiastic about the random things I make, bake and create. They loose track of what I've been up too.... Anyway my new thing is Bread making!! I have actually just received my fresh yeast and dough scrapper in the post today:D I found the fresh yeast on Ebay of all places. Strange but true & I got a sample pack of 50g to start me off. So I'm now all it kitted up to get baking. I've taken a picture of my new scrapper & Yeast to show you. Isn't it a crazy Orange!